Spring Compost Sale! Saturday April 12th – One Day Only 9am to 3pm
Proceeds from compost sales will directly go to benefit Albany Parks & Recreation.
405 Davidson St. NE Albany, OR 97321
Gate at 405 Davidson, volunteers will be directing traffic.
1 Yard Minimum
Loading assistance provided
Day of Sales Available on site via Check, Cash, or PayPal.

Exceptional Quality Compost
The City’s compost is a Class A biosolids product that meets the stringent Exceptional Quality standards of EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule, which means it can be used anywhere without restrictions including home gardens and landscaping. When used as a soil amendment, Albany’s compost can help improve drainage in clay soils, will add nutrients, and help reduce the frequency of watering. Albany’s compost can also be used just as a ground cover instead of other mulches.
The City’s compost is monitored and tested in accordance with the EPA rules and annual reports are submitted to the Oregon DEQ.
Additional information about City of Albany Compost can be found at https://albanyoregon.gov/pw/wastewater/compost